
New sewing machine

How lucky am I to have a new (to me) Simger machine. It has been hanging around unused at OH’s parents house and originally belonged to his grandma.

It was difficult at first. There was no manual, and the machine, while sewing, was bird-nesting underneath the fabric. Googling told me there was issues with tension.

My experience with mum’s Janome as a kid is… Sewing machines just go! There were never issues with tension and the machine had little notes on how to thread the machine. This Singer – nothing!

I started Googling images of Singers. There are some lovely antique ones on show. I eventually found one that looked similar to mine that had a manual available. And OH took over to thread the machine (I did the bobbin and the needle!) and we did yet another test piece. Success!

The tension is interesting. The straight stitch seems to require a different tension to a zigzag. I really don’t have much material to play with, but after scrummaging around the house, I realised I could use my old work uniform. Does feel weird to cut up a perfectly good shirt.


Worm farm take 2

As you can remember, I couldn’t bring myself to pay the whopping $60 for compost worms. After looking at the Simple Living forums, I got the idea of bartering for the goods you want.

I have been following a Barossa Valley Facebook group with interest for some time now – a produce group who swap, sell, etc. Then I put my first post up:

“I’m looking for some composting worms to start a worm farm. I started off with normal earthworms but found out they’re not quite the right type. I have just started my garden, so I don’t have anything to swap with. I’m happy to pay around $10 if anyone has any spare?”

I was surprised to get a reply just half an hour later. A lovely Barossan lady has plenty of worms for me and I’m going to pick them up tomorrow! And so generous too – she even offered the worms to me free of charge. Can’t wait for work to finish tomorrow. Totally cool bananas 🙂



Success! Based on Rhonda’s recipe, I used Mount Pleasant pork sausages mixed with carrot and celery with Pampa’s puff pastry.

I’ve cooked enough for 3 lunches for OH and I. We find lunches one of the most difficult to prepare for. For the quantity we made, time taken (an hour or so including baking time) and its quality and taste, it is very economical.


First time sausage rolls


Living in a town block

It’s small, and the garden is next to non-existent. It’s a pity really, as we don’t want to spend a lot of money on it, seeing as purchasing a block to build on is more of a monetary priority.

We’ve given in a bit and planted a few natives bought from the Williamstown landcare group last year. They were so cheap – must’ve been $2 or so for each little plantling. What an excellent idea too, getting people to plant local natives in their gardens.

Most of what we have in the garden is in pots, as the current owners appreciated a more low-maintenance backyard, covering all with plastic and then bark chips. I can’t complain too much though, as a non-gardener for all but last week, I haven’t had to tend to or weed anything!


Day 4

Rocket seeds have started to come up. Can you see them?! It’s only Day 4!

The worm farm has gone back on the compost heap 😦 Unfortunately, I didn’t realise you couldn’t use plain earthworms. A trip to the garden centre, but I couldn’t bring myself to pay $60 for different worms.

Coriander still looking flat

Coriander still looking flat

I planted in some lettuce today. There are a couple different varieties here that I’m hoping to be able to use for lunch at work.

Lettuce 1

Lettuce 1

Lettuce 2

Lettuce 2

OH and I picked a few oranges from the in-laws’ overflowing tree. Currently on the stove making marmalade for the first time! Memories of marmalade as a child aren’t that positive, so I’m hoping the homemade type will be much more yummy.


A large block in a secluded, quiet, natural spot. Keeping chickens, perhaps breeding rabbits, beehives. Veggies, herbs, fruit trees. Passive house, puppies, no financial stress. Self-reliability, happiness, purpose.

And my OH by my side.

It may not all come true, but a girl can dream.

Garden, Home

I dream of…


Just me

I am not what you would call a fashionista, quite the opposite, actually. Compared to the girls I work with, who pamper themselves with makeup and pretty hair, I literally jump out of bed, make brekkie, splash my face with water, brush my teeth and run to the car (it’s cold at the moment!) with a finishing touch of a clip to hold my fringe back.

With no red lights on the way to work, I put my hair up quickly in the car park, unless I’m (un)lucky enough to hit roadworks along the way. A smear of Lucas Papaw on the lips and I’m ready for work!

Am I the only one who prepares for their day like this? I don’t think I look poorly presented, but maybe not so done up as some others. Sometimes I do put in the effort, but I would rather catch my zzzzz’s.


Starting slowly

I have read through all of Quarter of an Acre and Little Eco Footprints blogs.

Why? Like a lot of people, I’m trying all I can to learn about living more self sufficiently.

I set a very few small tasks for myself today. First was to make a worm farm, and second to plant a couple of things.

Off to the garden centre we went. Unfortunately they were out of worms (and also playing some unfortunate music). We got a small coriander plant, potting mix and Seasol and got the hell out of there!

I was running around like a mad woman at home (all for the fun!), finding boxes for my worm farm.
Honestly, I haven’t had much to do with our garden. OH had started off the compost heap, so I used that and found some newspaper lying around. We didn’t quite have the 1000 worms, but OH and I digged around the heap to find around 40. I’m looking forward to adding to this with our kitchen scraps.

I also managed to plant the coriander in a spare pot and put a few rocket seeds in another foam box.

The coriander looks a bit flat and we’ll have to wait 10-14 days for the rocket, so fingers crossed!
